JCARA, Inc. Club Minutes - October 2016

Meeting Called to Order by President Marilyn, AF5DP
Prayer by Chaplain Chuck, N9RRI
Pledge of Allegiance led by Marilyn, AF5DP


Ray Roberts, WB5JHC presented “Home Brewing On A Budget” in which, from a young age of fourteen, he built a one tube one crystal four watt transceiver.  That was the start of many home brew projects which he showed us.  He described how many kits could be gotten inexpensively from China, for QRP operation.

Officers Absent:  Vice President Chris, K5MOZ;  Past President Charlie, N2PKW

Quorum Declared

No Sick Call

Visitors:  New Ham and newest Member Leo Morales, KG5PSQ who is eleven years old, introduced his sister, mom and dad.  Scott Cook, W5MLJ was the other visitor.

Secretarial Report by Valerie, N9RQX;  Motion to Accept made by Nick, K5BQJ;  Seconded by Chuck, N9RRI;  Motion Carried.

Treasurer's Report by Larry, K5LGP;  Motion to Accept by Chuck, N9RRI;  Seconded by Nick, K5BQJ;  Motion Carried.

Old Business:

1.  Repeater Committee:  Nick, K5BQJ said, “Nothing new.”
2.  Boy Scout Jamboree – Lawrence, K9EYZ and Leo, KG5PSQ presented plaques and shirts with names, call signs and Boy Scout logos, to Members who helped out with the Jamboree. A big, “THANK YOU!” goes out to Marilyn, AF5DP, Richard, AF5AQ and Larry, K5LGP.

New Business:

1.  Richard, AF5AQ made a Motion to allow for a Junior Membership for Hams who are under sixteen years of age with full Membership rights, dues being at half price;  Seconded by Chuck, N9RRI;  Motion Carried unanimously! 
2.  Richard, AF5AQ suggested donating radio gear not being used to the local Boy Scouts.
3.  Hamfest:  November 11th and 12th are the dates with all the tables sold.  Volunteers are needed and wanted.  See Richard, AF5AQ or Chris, K5MOZ.  Set up starts at 9:00 AM on Friday, vendors will arrive around Noon with the doors opening at 5:00 PM.  Friday ends around 9:00 PM and Saturday starts around 8:00 AM and ends around 3:00 PM.  Testing for licenses and upgrades start around 1:00 PM on Saturday.
4.  Lee, K5CUB has raffle tickets for the American Legion K5TAL Radio Club's gold coin.  The raffle ends December 12. 
5.  President Marilyn, AF5DP announced the opening of nominations to the Board for 2017. All positions are open with the present Treasurer not running.  However, President Marilyn, AF5DP and Secretary Val, N9RQX stated that they would both stay in place, so just Vice President and Treasurer positions are open.
6.  Christmas Party:  Tuesday, December 6th at 6:00 p.m. at the Country Gentleman Restaurant, in Gautier.  After a short business meeting, singing of Christmas Carols will start our evening with a GREAT dinner to follow.  The giving out of Awards, the raffle prize and the introduction of the Board of Directors for 2017 ends our evening.

Next Meeting November 29, 2016.

President Marilyn, AF5DP called for a Motion to Adjourn Meeting;  Motion accepted by Richard, AF5AQ;  Seconded by Rod, KC5LCW;  Motion Carried;  Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted by

Valerie, N9RQX
Club Secretary